Are you sure your student doesn't need the Essay Lessons?

Now, for another choice - Individualized Feedback.

There is a FREE software I will be requiring your student to create an account for and use. It is literally THE line in the sand for many of my students when it comes to passing or failing reading comprehension tests. Hey, once your student signs up, feel free to make your own account. Many of my previous adult students were absolutely STUNNED at the results in their lives when they used it.

Inside the software (which I will explain inside the course) there are passages to read and answer A, B, C, D questions. This Individualized Feedback option is for me to be able to follow the reading results of your student and give weekly feedback on those results, for four weeks.

If there is an area of reading that is really a problem, I can catch it and explain. what the area is and what it means. This option is worth over $600, but if you click on "YES, PLEASE" before the time runs out, you'll get it for $200.

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